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Alfa Nyandoro, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Engineering & Computer Science

Alfa Nyandoro, Ph.D.


Over his 22+ years career in computing, Dr. Alfa Nyandoro has lived and worked in four countries namely Zimbabwe, South Africa, Australia, and the United States. He has worked in industry as a systems administrator for Diamond Insurance (now NICOZ Diamond Zimbabwe) and as a systems administrator for Anglo American Corporation Services (Zimbabwe). He has also worked in R&D as a research scientist at SIRDC (Zimbabwe) and as a senior research associate with NICTA/UNSW (Australia).

In South Africa, Nyandoro was a senior lecturer in IT at the University of Johannesburg, following which he joined ACU in Abilene Texas as an assistant professor of Computer Science and IT. He earned tenure and elevation to associate professor of Computer Science and IT at Abilene Christian University, before joining Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee, where he recently served as the interim associate dean in the College of Computing & Technology and as chair of the Information Technologies Department.

Nyandoro’s research interests are in medium access control protocols in communication networks, particularly in wireless networks. He is also passionate about technology for development and healthcare informatics.


"A SWOT analysis of mobile electronic banking: The Zimbabwe case,” International Journal of Electronic Finance 8. pp. 218-238, (2015)

"Implementing wake-on-LAN in institutional networks." Journal of Applied Business and Economics pp. 66-73, 16.1, (2014)

“Service differentiation using the capture effect in 802.11 wireless LANs,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 6(8), pp. 2961-2971, (2007)

“Internet telephony: services, technical challenges, and products,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 96-103, (2000)





Dean’s Award for Excellence - College of Computing & Tech, Lipscomb University 2019-20

Teacher of the Year Award - School of IT & Computing, Abilene Christian University, 2012-13

UIPRS Scholarship, University of New South Wales, 2001-05

1st Class Honors B.Sc. Computer Science, NUST Zimbabwe, 1996

NUST Vice-Chancellor’s Book Prize for Computer Science, 1996