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John Bauer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, General Education

John Bauer, Ph.D.


Dr. John Bauer holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of South Carolina. His research interests include Christian moral philosophy, metaethics, natural law, and the just war tradition. Prior to coming to Regent, Dr. Bauer served 22 years in the U.S. Army, first as a helicopter pilot and then as a strategist and teacher. He also has taught previously at the United States Military Academy at West Point and the Joint Forces Staff College, National Defense University.

Dr. Bauer enjoys throwing on his muck boots to spend time with his family while fishing, hunting, boating, and doing all he can to keep up with his children’s many farm projects. He and his wife live, together with their nine children, on a small homestead in Cape Charles, Virginia.


“Truthfulness, Trust, and the Practice of Military Deception.” Campaigning, Spring 2017.
“Spinoza, Lying, and Acting in Good Faith.” Parmenideum IV, 2012.

“A Philosophical Case for OPCON Transition on the Korean Peninsula.” Joint Forces Quarterly, 1st Quarter 2011.

“Unlocking Russian Interests on the Korean Peninsula.” Parameters, Summer 2009.

“The Role of Empathy in Irregular Warfare.” Military Review, July-August 2009.


Fellowship of Catholic Scholars