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Nurse and Patient Regent University School of Nursing

Why Do I Need a BSN and an MSN?

Nurses are the frontline of healthcare. At all levels of education, certification and licensure preparation, nurses proudly demonstrate resilience, strength and leadership in the face of hardship. Nurses pledge their devotion to their patients at the start of their careers bravely, without knowledge of what they may be asked to face or what adventure their career may bring. They understand that science, the art of care, nursing interests, and the profession of nursing can significantly progress during the span of their career, requiring additional education to equip them to provide the best care possible.

As the profession of nursing evolves, roles and expectations also change. A lifetime commitment to learning is a necessity for every nurse. Recently, nursing has had specific content expansions in subjects such as wellness, disease prevention, chronic disease management, regenerative/restorative care, hospice, and palliative care (AACN, 2021). Nurse practitioner roles have been expanding exponentially to provide treatment for acute and chronic diseases across the lifespan. Specialized training is required to be successful in many of today’s diverse care settings, including hospitals, physicians’ offices, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, schools, correctional facilities, and many others. Our responsibilities as professionals continue to grow, and our required competencies and skills exemplify a profession that adapts to the growing needs of a population through the scientific application of evidence-based research. A BSN or MSN can prepare you to partner inter-professionally in crucial decision-making processes for your care recipients.

The need to strengthen the core foundations of care has been a conversation amongst healthcare providers at the practice and research level regarding the training expectations within the field of nursing. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) addressed these conversations with an intensive overhaul of the core competencies of nursing education (2021). Statements written in support of the AACN’s (2019b) position call for movement toward a more highly educated nursing workforce. Likewise, the National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) is working to prepare the American nursing workforce at minimally the baccalaureate level (AACN, 2019a). 

If you are a licensed, registered nurse ready to recharge your passion and career, the answer you’re seeking could be as simple as expanding your training and leadership skills. Are you confident that you’re wired to bring positive change to others? Why not invest in you—your education, network of healthcare mentors, credentials, and accompanying confidence to influence your field for the better. Let’s consider why you need a Bachelor’s or Master of Science in Nursing.

Top 3 Benefits of Obtaining Your Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

  1. Increased Skill Level and Professional Respect – Registered nurses use analytics to provide “high-quality direct care, complex clinical decision making, care transition management, supervision of support personnel, guidance through the maze of healthcare resources, and education regarding treatment regimens and the adoption of healthy lifestyles” (AACN, 2019a, para. 2). These are a few examples of areas that advanced care Registered Nurses should obtain further preparation to accomplish regardless of setting.
  • Higher Security, Earning Potential and Opportunities for Career Promotion – A BSN degree fortifies job security, as nurses with more training are often favored over RNs with associate degrees. These salaries are secured with continuing education and additional degrees in nursing coupled with the recognized value of experience nurses gain through school.

    When considering the value of degrees, the AACN stated, “Nurses with graduate-level preparation are needed to provide high-quality care; conduct research; teach online, across clinical settings, and classroom; shape public policy; lead health systems; consult with corporations; and implement evidence-based solutions that revolutionize health care. These providers are in great demand to fill established and emerging roles that allow nurses to focus on a variety of practice areas, such as geriatrics, pediatrics, public health, informatics, systems improvement, and genetics/genomics” (AACN, 2019a, para 4).
  • More Positive Impact on Patient Outcomes – Nurses with baccalaureate and higher degrees have statistically proven better patient outcomes. This includes lower mortality rates and fewer medication errors. These findings are supported by the AACN Position Statement “Academic Progression in Nursing: Moving Together toward a Highly Educated Nursing Workforce” (AACN, 2019a). According to the report, “Baccalaureate-prepared RNs [are] reported being significantly better prepared than associate degree nurses on 12 out of 16 areas related to quality and safety” because they have extensive training and expertise. 

    Nurses are committed to providing the best possible care that is quality, evidence-based and inclusive. Nurses that continue their education at Regent University align their passions with professional competencies and become change agents. The calling of a nurse is lifelong, and education maintains and advances a nurse’s passions and career.

5 More Benefits of Obtaining a Graduate Degree (s) and Certifications/Licensure in Nursing

  1. Leading with Knowledge: Graduate degrees, certificates and licenses empower the nurse with knowledge and evidence. This combination amplifies the nurse’s voice and ability to advocate for change and create healing environments for our care recipients, tomorrow’s nurses and our nurse peers. MSN degrees provide the authority and informed knowledge necessary to make a difference in the profession of nursing. Course work and preceptorships are constructed to support the chosen population that each student feels called to serve.
  1. Purpose and Passion: Graduate-level education in nursing is a matter of heart. The degree pathways starting at the MSN level are informed mainly by what the student identifies as their purpose and passion in nursing. The student’s area of interest can be developed at an individual level. If you are not exactly sure of your passion in nursing or need to rediscover your heart for nursing, you can access our experienced faculty to help guide your advanced degree nursing role in a way that is meaningful to you. 
  1. Increased Entry Level Earnings: Graduate degree-prepared nurses have significantly higher earnings potential than those only prepared at the BSN level. Adding a certification and licensure further increases the entry-level earnings of a graduate trained nurse.
  1. Flexibility for Family Needs: Another great benefit of higher education is the increased flexibility that comes with opportunities for graduate-prepared nurses.
  1. Flexible Learning Options: Regent’s graduate nursing classes are typically spread throughout the week or are entirely online with only one assessment on campus! It is expected and encouraged that you remain clinical at some capacity while progressing through the graduate degree program. To this expectation, Regent University prides itself in our Frontline Hero’s and our ability to be excellent, innovative, integrous, and FLEXIBLE! 


Regent University School of Nursing Degree Options

The Regent School of Nursing is fully-accredited and equipped to help you succeed in your nursing career.* The faculty possess respected academic credentials and offer education with a purpose-driven focus. Whether you are looking to pursue an RN to B.S. in Nursing, a general Master of Science in Nursing, or a Master of Science in Nursing with the option of an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse designation, you can benefit from the cutting-edge curriculum that meets the professional and accreditation standards of the practice of nursing.

Regent is a premier Christian university located in Virginia Beach, VA, and offers quality with the convenience and flexibility of studying online—on your time. Our student-centric School of Nursing is led by nurses who have walked the walk of juggling the demands of work and school. They are ready to help you succeed. As a Regent nursing student, you also have access to these benefits:

  • A quick and easy admission and enrollment process to help you get started as soon as you are ready!
  • An 8-week course structure to help you complete your degree at your pace.
  • Quality content that eliminates busy work so that you can manage work and school together.
  • Open office hours for virtual or in-person meetings with faculty.
  • Our pledge to honor you as a unique and gifted health care provider

Choose from these Regent nursing degrees:

RN to B.S. Nursing

Master of Science in Nursing – Advanced Practice Registered Nursing

Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Educator

Master of Science in Nursing – Nurse Leadership & Management

So, remember ‘why’ you became a nurse and consider: “What is God calling you to do in nursing?”

As you consider higher education, be sure to reflect on your nurse calling. When we serve in the capacity of our calling, we contribute to the solution needed in our profession. Do you want to lead from the executive suite, making policies and procedures that you know can benefit the patient and bedside nurse? Or would you prefer to be bedside spending more time with and helping patients and families make tough but well-educated and informed decisions about their loved one’s care? Are you passionate about removing society’s stigma on mental health diagnoses and care? Or perhaps, you are ready to train the next army of nurses? What change agent do you want to become? Regent University wants to empower you with the tools and the expertise to be the difference the field of nursing and this world needs!

Regent University School of Nursing would love to know your personal goals and help you achieve them. We can give you all the tools you need to help you succeed.

Has God called you to more? If so, then what are you waiting for? Give us a call at the Regent University School of Nursing: 757.352.5919 or visit us online and request information.


*The baccalaureate and master’s degree programs in nursing at Regent University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.

Written by Jordan Lance, student writer, in collaboration with Dr. Jamie Holland.


American Association of Colleges of Nurses (2019a). Academic Progression in Nursing: Moving Together a Highly Educated Nursing Workforce.

American Association of Colleges of Nurses (2021). The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education.

American Association of Colleges of Nurses (2019b). U.S. Nursing Schools Call for Collaborative Action to Raise the Education Level of the Nursing Workforce. [Press Release].

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021a). Registered Nurses. Retrieved from Registered Nurses: Occupational Outlook Handbook. 

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2021b). Nurse Anesthetists, Nurse Midwives, and Nurse Practitioners.