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Regent University in Virginia Beach prepares for virtual commencement ceremony for 2021

10 Things You Need to Know About Regent 2021 Commencement and Commissioning Virtual Ceremonies

Regent is excited that graduates and their supporters from around the world can come together during a virtual experience to celebrate the culmination of our journey together. Here are some important details to guide your experience.

1. Where Can I Find Commissioning & Commencement Details?

2. What is the Size of Graduating Class?

2,400+ Regent University Students – our largest graduating class yet.

3. When and What is “Commissioning”?

Held on Friday, May 7, 2020, Commissioning Ceremonies are a time for individual schools to prayerfully commission their graduates to serve the world as Christian leaders in their chosen field. Outstanding academic achievements are also acknowledged during this time.

4. How Do I Access the Live Stream for My School’s Commissioning Ceremony?

To access the live-stream, go to From there, you will be directed to individual school information.

5. What Does the Commissioning Schedule Include?

The Commissioning Schedule includes:

  • Welcome
  • Address from the Dean
  • Academic Award Recipients
  • Congratulatory Remarks – Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riaño
  • Commissioning Address – Founder and Chancellor, Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson
  • Closing and Prayer

Following commissioning, over several days, a faculty member will reach out to graduates individually for a special time of personal prayer and blessing. 

6. When is the Regent University Commencement (Graduation) Ceremony and How Do I Access the Graduation Link?

Saturday, May 8, marks the live-stream broadcast of the Commencement (Graduation). Viewers may access the web page as early as 8 a.m. for announcements and details. The ceremony begins at 9:15 a.m.

Simply go to to access the live stream. You may also watch on Facebook at

7. What Does the Commencement Schedule Include?

The Commencement Schedule includes:

  • National Anthem
  • Invocation and Welcome – Founder and Chancellor, Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson
  • Greeting – Chairman of the Board
  • Commencement Address – Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
  • Recognition of Honors and Joint Degree Programs
  • Charge to the Graduates – Dr. Robertson
  • Graduate Response
  • Conferring of the Degrees by the Deans
  • Balloon Celebration
  • Reading of all Graduates’ Names

8. How Do I Submit My Graduation Headshot?

Graduates should log in to and follow this link: to access the official submission form. Deadline: April 15, 2021.

Tips for Commencement Photo Submission:

  • Good front lighting 
  • Nothing covering face 
  • Display professional hair and clothing (regalia or military attire are encouraged)
  • Plain background
  • Photo should be in portrait orientation (vertical)
  • NO full-body images. Headshot should be from the chest-up  

Follow these steps to take a professional looking headshot:

  • Ask a friend to take the headshot, or use a tripod.
  • Ensure all the tips are followed.
  • Try different poses!

Note: A professional camera is not needed for a professional-looking headshot. Many cell phones have adequate cameras. Just be sure to follow the directions above!

9. What is This Year’s Commencement Theme?

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

10. How Can Photos be Featured on Regent’s Social Media Platforms and During the May 8 Commencement Ceremony?

Graduates will begin receiving a special “Graduate Box” in the mail over the week of May 2, 2020. Be sure to post photos of this and other special ways you are celebrating using #RegentGrad2021.