Registrar’s Office
757.352.4094 (Phone) | 757.352.4033 (Fax) | registrar@regent.edu
Divinity Building, Suite 262
Mailing Address
Regent University Registrar’s Office
1000 Regent University Drive, DIV 262
Virginia Beach, VA 23464
M-F: 8 am – 5 pm. Closed for chapel on Wednesdays: 12 pm – 1 pm.
The Office of the University Registrar is the primary custodian of current and former student academic records. In addition to ensuring the accuracy, integrity, and availability of these records, the Registrar’s Office provides the following additional services: official transcripts, transfer credit procedures, degree clearance, graduation events, academic calendar, enrollment certifications, veterans’ benefit certification.
Once enrollment has been opened, students may register online through Genisys for the courses they wish to take. Access Genisys through the MyRegent portal. For more information about registration, download the Steps to Register guide.
Add/Drop Period
For a two-week period, beginning on the first day of the university-defined term or the start of each 8-week session, students may add or drop classes and receive a 100% refund of tuition and fees.
View the online Course Schedule.
Add/Drop Procedure
- Before Term Starts: Students may change their class schedules online via Genisys until the day before the term starts.
Graduate Law students are issued a “time-ticket” for their online registration period. - After Term Starts: Students must complete the online Add/Drop Request Form to request schedule changes. One’s Student ID and the following information located in the semester course schedule are required to complete the form:
- Course Reference Number (CRN – a 5 digit number)
- Subject (e.g., ENGL)
- Course Number (e.g., 101)
- Section (e.g., 01)
- Number of Credits (normally 3)
Please save or print the receipt that you receive when you submit your registration request. This is confirmation that you have successfully submitted the request.
- During Add/Drop Period:
- 100% refund of tuition and fees
- After Add/Drop Period:
- No refund
- Courses dropped after week one will appear on the student’s transcript with a “W” or “WF” grade
- Course Lab Fees:
- Non-refundable after the second week of classes or first week of summer sessions
- If necessary, the university reserves the right to make adjustments in charges and refunds
Auditors are students who enroll for a credit course on a noncredit basis. They must enroll through regular admission procedures. Audited courses appear on transcripts without credit.
Students auditing a course will pay half of the tuition fees and financial aid will not be applied to such courses. Students taking courses for credit shall be given enrollment priority over auditors.
Regent University can help you complete your degree faster by maximizing your qualifying transfer credits. Review information on undergraduate transfer credit and flexible transfer options.
Please contact the Registrar’s office for a list of Member Institutions.
Students interested in cross-registration may contact Registrar’s Office via email at crossreg@regent.edu.
Cross-registration permits students at any Virginia Tidewater Consortium (VTC) institution to take courses at any other VTC institution (host institution) yet earn credit for the courses at the student’s home institution.
Cross-registration by Regent University students is subject to the following regulations:
- Students must be in a degree-seeking program and in good academic standing.
- For undergraduate students, cross-registration credit is limited to 30 credit hours.
- For graduate students, cross-registration is limited to the total of credit hours that is equal to no more than 25% of a graduate degree’s total credit hour requirements.
- Courses taken through cross-registration must be on the student’s Approved Degree Plan.
To register for a course in VTC, a student must follow these steps:
- Email crossreg@regent.edu or click here for the VTC registration form.
- Fill out the top and middle portion of the VTC form. Students must complete all highlighted sections on the form before submitting for review. Please note that some host institutions, such as Tidewater Community College, may require a separate guest application in order to finalize VTC registration with a unique student number from their institution.
- Read and sign Regent University VTC policy.
- Email the form to advising@regent.edu for their review, approval, and signature. Advisors will confirm the requested course(s) align with the degree plan for the student and is otherwise not available at Regent University during the semester indicated.
- Advising will forward the approved form to crossreg@regent.edu for the Registrar’s Office approval.
- Registrar’s Office will email the approved VTC form to the host institution for their approval and registration.
- Once fully signed and approved by both institutions, Regent University Registrar’s Office will send a confirmation email to the student.
When necessary, the student must certify that he/she has met course prerequisites.
- When a student enrolled at Regent University cross-registers to a VTC host school, the credit is earned at Regent University and will be so posted on the student’s transcript as resident credit. In this instance, the grading system of Regent University will apply to the cross-registered student. Another VTC institution will not issue a transcript to a cross-registered student which it hosts.
- Tuition will be charged by Regent University for a cross-registered course taken at a VTC host institution. The cross-registrant must assume costs of all transportation, books, materials, lab fees, applied music fees, etc. at the host institution.
- Normally, the desired course must not be currently available at Regent University.
- Students will be governed by the administrative rules and regulations of the host institution while in attendance there.
- No changes or corrections can be made on the Student Cross-Registration Form.
- The cross-registered student must follow the drop/withdrawal regulations at both the host institution and Regent University.
- Students interested in cross registration should adhere to all applicable deadlines for form submission. Forms received after the deadline may not be approved. Deadlines are typically 10 business days before the start of a semester.
- For any undergraduate cross registration that will exceed 18 credit hours, an approved academic petition for an overload must be on file to proceed with Registrar’s Office approval and registration. This should be approved prior to the established deadline for the semester.
Any eligible student wishing to enroll in a course that has reached its authorized capacity may add him/herself to the waitlist for one or more sections of that course via the Genisys registration module. Students with administrative or academic holds should contact their Academic Advisor for registration assistance.
- Log in to Genisys through the MyRegent portal
- Select “Student Services & Financial Aid” tab
- Select “Registration”
- Select “Register and Add/Drop Classes”
- Select “Term”
- Type in the CRN number in the add/drop box at the bottom of the page, then select “Submit Changes” in the bottom left corner of the page.
- If you need to Waitlist, you will get a drop-down field next to the course title that says “none” for action. Select the drop-down arrow so that the field states “Wait list web.” Then select “Submit Changes” in the bottom left corner of the page.
- To confirm that you are on the waitlist, view your “Student Detail Schedule.”
- Check your Regent email account daily for notification of available seats.
- Follow steps 1-5 from the “How to Add Your Name to the Waitlist” process stated above.
- Locate the CRN number of the course you wish to drop. You will get a drop-down field next to the course title that says “none” for action. Select the drop-down arrow so that the field states “Web Drop.” Then select “Submit Changes” in the bottom left corner of the page.
- To confirm that you have been removed from the waitlist, view your “Student Detail Schedule.
- Students are waitlisted in the order in which they attempt to register for the course. The university reserves the right to reorder the waitlist priority in certain special cases (such as disability accommodations, senior standing, etc.).
- The first student on the registration waitlist is notified via email when a space becomes available. This student then has a maximum of 72 hours to register for that section. It is the responsibility of the student to check her/his Regent email account regularly for notifications regarding available seats. If the student does not register for the section within this timeframe, he/she will be dropped from the waitlist for that section and the next student on the list will be notified.
- Course waitlists are generated and maintained by the Registrar’s Office. Course instructors cannot authorize enrollment for waitlisted students.
- A student on a waitlist is not officially enrolled in that course and thus is not eligible to receive financial aid or a grade for the course.
- Students must meet all registration requirements (prerequisites, co-requisites, financial obligations, etc.) for the course before being allowed to register.
- If a student no longer wishes to remain on the waitlist s/he should drop through Genisys as a courtesy to other students.
- Course waitlists are maintained through the end of the first week of each term for all students. After the first week of the term the Registrar’s Office will close all waitlists and remove the remaining students from the lists.
Withdrawal from a course may have significant financial aid consequences. Students are responsible for seeking counsel from the Office of Advising.
Regent University has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide enrollment and degree verifications. The clearinghouse can be contacted by:
National Student Clearinghouse
2300 Dulles Station Boulevard, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171
fee payment
Please wait 2 to 3 business days after submitting your application, then pay the fee either in Genisys or in person at the Business Office. The following will prevent Regent from ordering a diploma/certificate:
- Failure to pay the fee
degree clearance process
If your Degree Works worksheet is 100% complete, your paperwork will be sent to your school for approval and then to the Registrar’s Office for processing. If all your requirements are complete, the Registrar’s Office will post your degree and you will receive an automatic email notification at your Regent email account to let you know that it has been posted. You will also be able to see your degree awarded on your unofficial transcript in Genisys.
Please note: All theses and dissertations must be submitted to ProQuest to be considered for degree conferral. While a final grade may be assigned before the end of the semester, degree conferral will be conducted after the close of the semester.
Degrees are usually posted within 6-8 weeks after the close of the semester and all grades are received. The Registrar’s Office is aware that many students have deadlines for job applications, licensure, raises, etc. and we work to process degree paperwork as quickly as possible.
Diplomas and certificates are ordered from the printer at the end of each month (bi-monthly during high volume times) and generally arrive within 6 to 8 weeks after the order is placed. You will receive an email when the diploma and/or certificate is mailed so that you have a better idea of when to expect delivery.
Graduation policy
For important information concerning graduation requirements, please note the Regent University Graduation Policy, as described in the university catalog.
- Graduation Date: The official date of graduation or certificate completion is based on the completion of degree/certificate requirements for each student and is determined by the semester in which the student completes all degree program requirements. The official graduation date is NOT based on when the student participates in commencement.
- Degree Conferral Dates: There are two official university conferral dates per semester. The conferral date reflects the final session or semester in which all degree requirements have been completed. Students who complete their degree requirements (dissertations, theses, and portfolios must be accepted via ProQuest) within a semester will be given the official degree clearance date for that corresponding session or semester. Degrees are posted on or after the official university degree date. Please refer to the academic calendar for specific dates.
- Issuance of Diplomas/Certificates: Diplomas and certificates will be issued only after all graduation requirements have been met. This includes clearing any outstanding balance, library fine and/or parking fine. In the event of an outstanding balance, the student will be informed of their degree conferral and then informed separately of the additional requirement to have their diploma or certificate ordered. Once the final requirement has been completed, the student must notify the Registrar’s Office in order to have their diploma order placed on the next available date.
- New Graduation Application: If a student is not cleared in the term for which the graduation application is filed, a new graduation application must be submitted for the subsequent term in which all requirements are met. The graduation fee, however, is only paid once.
- F-1 Student Visa Holders: If you are an on-campus F-1 student visa holder, you must submit the F-1 Student Program Completion Form to the Office of International Student Services (OISS) at least 45 days prior to your graduation date. For more information, call 1.800.846.4198, or email intladmissions@regent.edu.
Please refer to the Academic Calendar for all final grade deadlines.
Final, official grades may be viewed in Genisys via your personal student account. They may be available in Genisys but cannot be guaranteed before the published due dates.
Grades posted in Canvas are not official and are not an indication that your grades have been posted to your official transcript.
Instructors enter their own grades. If you are missing any grades, please contact your instructor and/or dean’s office.
Grade changes may only be made at the discretion of the instructor/dean. Grade change request forms are available to faculty in the MyRegent Portal under Staff and Faculty e-forms.
Grade changes must be submitted by the instructor to the dean’s office. The school then sends the approved grade change form to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Grade changes are processed in the Registrar’s Office within 1-2 business days once received.
For assistance and/or information concerning your grade change, please contact your school.
Please refer to the Commencement website often for the latest and most accurate information on graduation-related activities and ceremonies. For additional information, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
In order to officially graduate and/or participate in Commencement, candidates must first complete an application to graduate.
Deadline: September 15 for fall graduates; December 1 for spring and summer graduates.
Graduation Application Fee: $100
Certificate Application Fee: $55
Wondering when your degree will be posted? Access information about the degree clearance process. For information regarding your specific paperwork, please contact University Advising.
If you are graduating from your degree program and utilized federal student loans, you must complete Loan Exit Counseling before you can receive your final official transcript and diploma. Loan Exit Counseling can be completed online at studentaid.gov/exit-counseling/. You can also attend an on-campus exit counseling group session at the end of the semester.
For more details about Commencement & Commissioning, including information about RSVPs and regalia, please visit the Commencement page.
Graduation Requirements
Regent graduates those students who are in good standing upon the satisfactory completion of all degree requirements. Note: Students are subject to the degree requirements listed in the Catalog for the year during which the student first enrolls. A student may petition the dean to use a subsequent Catalog. If the student is not enrolled for more than one year and is later readmitted then the student must meet the degree requirements current at the time of readmission.
Graduation Procedure
- All students desiring to graduate must file a Graduation Application with the Registrar’s Office by: December 1 for spring or summer graduation and September 15 for fall graduation.
- The Registrar’s Office obtains approval of the Graduation Application from each student’s dean and advisor.
- Students who are not approved to graduate in the semester stated on the Graduation Application must file another Application in a subsequent semester.
- The Registrar’s Office issues diplomas and posts degrees on transcripts only when the registrar and the dean have certified that all graduation requirements have been met. These requirements include the following:
- Satisfactory completion of all degree requirements as specified in the Catalog for the student’s degree program. Students who have been approved to pursue a degree according to an Individualized Degree Plan must satisfy all course and credit requirements of that plan prior to graduating.
- Completion of all requirements within five years for the master’s degree (seven years for M.Div.) and full-time juris doctor program, six years for the part-time juris doctor program and seven years for all doctoral degrees from the date of the student’s initial enrollment. Extensions are granted for good cause and with approval of the student’s advisor and the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled.
- A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (2.00 for JD, M.Div., M.A in Practical Theology, M.A. in Missiology and Bachelor’s Degree students).
- Payment of graduation fee and all university financial obligations, including housing.
- Students on academic or disciplinary probation will not be allowed to graduate.
General Commencement Information
Regent University holds an annual commencement at the end of the spring semester. Students must obtain approval to participate. Students approved to graduate in the spring, summer or fall semesters are strongly encouraged to participate in commencement for the conferring of the degree. Students who are unable to attend should still submit their RSVP through Genisys.
All students must have completed all requirements toward graduation prior to participating in commencement. However, due to the uniqueness of some programs and the fact that there is only one commencement yearly, Regent provides the opportunity for students who have not completed all requirements to participate in commencement, if they meet the following criteria:
- The student has no more than two courses (graduate) or three courses (undergraduate) remaining for graduation and these courses must be completed in the summer. The coursework may include an internship or practicum experience, which can also be completed during the summer.
- Theses, dissertations and portfolios must have been successfully defended or approved before the spring cut-off date (varies by school) and all that remains are final edits.
Students requesting permission to participate in the commencement ceremony who have not completed all graduation requirements but who are eligible to walk under the above criteria must:
- Receive certification from the dean of the school from which they are graduating that they are eligible to participate in commencement. The school must send certification to the Registrar’s Office by March 1.
- Receive final written approval from the Registrar’s Office that they are eligible to participate in commencement.
- Register and pay for coursework during summer registration.
Participating in commencement exercises prior to completing all graduation requirements is a privilege and does not guarantee the student’s right to graduate unless all requirements have been met.
Regent students can use the Degree Works web tool to track their progress towards degree/certificate completion. To access it, follow these simple steps:
- Log in to your MyRegent portal account.
- Select “Genisys” on the left of the screen.
- Select “Students”
- Select “Degree Works”
Access the Regent Degree Works FAQs section for more information. Our Academic Advisors are here to help you with course selection and determining program requirements.
Please note: Degree Works is designed to enhance academic advising; it does not replace personal consultations with your academic advisor.
What is Degree Works?
Degree Works is an online tool to help students and their advisors track degree progress, prepare for registration, and plan for graduation. Degree Works reviews courses from a student’s transcript and summarizes courses so students can readily identify courses which have been completed and what courses are still needed in order to complete a degree.
What is a degree audit?
A Degree Works degree audit is an easy-to-read view of your requirements for your program of study. The audit is essentially a checklist of requirements for a degree through Regent University. Completed and in-progress classes are used to fill spots showing which requirements have been completed, which are in progress and what classes/requirements remain. The report can be viewed online or used as a snapshot of where you stand relative to graduation requirements.
Please note: The recommended browser is Google Chrome. Other web browsers may not display correctly.
My minor or concentration is missing from my audit – how do I fix this?
If you have not officially declared your minor or concentration, contact your advisor.
Who should I contact if I still have questions or disagree with the audit?
Please contact your advisor.
Is my Regent Degree Works Audit the same as my Academic Transcript?
No. The Degree Works Audit is a tool to provide you with academic information related to your degree progress. It is an unofficial advisement tool. It is not an official academic transcript. You may request an official academic transcript here.
Regent University diplomas and certificates will be issued and posted on transcripts only after all graduation requirements have been met. This includes clearing any outstanding balance, library fine and/or parking fine.
- Graduates are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their address in Genisys after graduation and updating it if necessary. If no address is provided, the final active address listed in Genisys is used. If the diploma is returned as undeliverable, additional fees may apply to ship the documents to a forwarding address. If the diploma is misdirected because the graduate has not updated their address and the diploma is not returned, the graduate must order a replacement diploma.
- Graduates must report any errors or issues with their diploma within thirty days of receiving it. Graduates must report any missing/undelivered diplomas within ninety days of their degree posting. Beyond these timeframes, they will be charged a replacement fee (see below).
- If your diploma has been lost or damaged, you may order a replacement diploma by submitting a Diploma Replacement Request.
- The replacement fee for a traditional paper diploma is $50. This fee will be due upon submitting your diploma replacement request.
Regent University is proud to offer digital diplomas and certificates alongside traditional diplomas and certificates. Once your degree has been conferred, you will receive an email with a link to download your digital credential from our trusted partner, CeCredentialTrust. For full details or to have the link resent, click here.
To validate the credential at any time, click here. This is available to you, employers, and any others you share your digital credential with for instant degree verification.
If you graduated from Regent University prior to the Fall 2022 semester and would like to order a digital diploma or certificate, you are able to submit a request here.
The fee for ordering a new digital diploma or certificate is $55.
Please note: If you have already been issued a digital diploma or certificate, you do not need to reorder. Please contact registrar@regent.edu if you need additional information or the link resent.
Using National Student Clearinghouse Student Self‐Service, you can print enrollment verification certificates, order transcripts, or view your enrollment history.
Access the National Student Clearinghouse Student Self-Service here.
For students who cannot use student self-service for enrollment certifications, please fill out the Student Verification Request Form to have a certification of current enrollment sent to you or a third party. Processing the form takes 3-5 business days.
Please Note: Only certifications for past or present enrollment will be issued. Certifications for future terms cannot be issued regardless of registration status for any future term.
Loan Deferment forms from your lender may also be mailed or faxed to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Please refer to the introduction of this page for contact details. Processing forms takes 3-5 business days.
If your enrollment status or pending graduation date is reflected incorrectly in Genisys, please submit the Time Status/Expected Graduation Date request.
For more information on loan deferment, refer to the Loan Deferment FAQ section of Resources.
Learn more about transcript services for new applicants, students and alumni.
Electronic PDF transcripts may be ordered via the NSC website.
For orders made online through the National Student Clearinghouse, transcripts are:
- $9.00 for an electronic copy
- $11.00 for a printed copy
*Please note that additional fees may apply.
If you are unable to order online, please email registrar@regent.edu for further assistance.
All fees for expedited services are in addition to the transcript fee. To be eligible for expedited services, transcript requests must be received by the Registrar’s Office before 12:00 p.m. EST.
*Expedited fees apply to Same Day Service, Overnight Service, and Priority Mail.
IMPORTANT: Transcript requests cannot be held for pending degrees or grades (including grade changes). Students are responsible for checking their unofficial transcript in GENISYS prior to ordering. A Regent University transcript is a complete record of the student’s academic history at Regent University. All transcripts are official and sent in individually sealed envelopes. Unofficial transcripts are not offered.
The Registrar’s Office cannot accept cash or check as payment for your transcript.
Regent University is currently serving as the primary custodian of student records for former students and graduates of Wave Leadership College.
For any transcript request, please complete the form here. Please refer to the transcript fee schedule for detailed information on service options and fees.
For any other record-related request, please contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@regent.edu.
Your academic calendar provides much needed information as you develop your schedule, including the official semester/session start and end, registration deadlines, payment deadlines, add/drop dates and holiday breaks. Be sure to review your academic calendar prior to the start of each semester or session.
Most forms require Adobe Acrobat to view and print, and must have the appropriate signatures for authorization. We are currently unable to accept digital, electronic, or cursive font signatures.
You can submit completed forms through email, fax, mail (please clearly mark your return address on the carrier envelope) or by dropping them off at the Registrar’s Office. The introduction of this page contains all contact details.
Explore our undergraduate and graduate course catalogs to learn about programs, courses and more.
What is an In School Loan Deferment?
An “In School Loan Deferment” is for those students who took out loans in their undergrad or at a previous school and now want to defer (put off) paying those loans back until they are finished with graduate school.
How do I know if I qualify for an In School Loan Deferment?
If you are registered at least half-time in a degree-seeking program, you are more than likely eligible for an In School Loan Deferment. The best way to find out is to contact your lender and ask them for their specific requirements.
I have my In School Loan Deferment Request form. Now what?
Now that you have your form, all you need to do is verify your address, sign it, date it, and turn it into the Registrar’s Office. We will verify your status and send it on for you.
What exactly is the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC)?
The National Student Clearinghouse is an organization that Regent University utilizes to report students’ status to participating lenders. Regent University electronically files a report of each student’s status with the NSC three times per semester. Lenders in turn access the NSC records and update their borrower’s information and statuses.
My lender wants a letter from the University, stating that I’m a student. Where can I request such a letter?
When the lender requires more than the In School Loan Deferment request form, the Registrar’s Office is here to help. We have Student Verification Request available in our office, as well as on the Registrar’s Office website. Simply fill out the form, turn it in, and the Registrar’s staff will have the letter out on your behalf as soon as possible. These letters can be used for a variety of other purposes as well. Some common needs are for insurance purposes or to receive discounts from car dealerships.
This has been great, but I still have other questions. Whom can I contact about my specific needs?
The Registrar’s Office is here to help you. Please contact us at 757.352.4094 for more specific questions you may have.
Other services and resources offered by the Registrar’s Office include:
- Academic Change Forms
- Degree Verifications
- Graduation Events
- Official Transcripts
- Traditional Classroom Reservations
Elizabeth Bayless, Ed.D.
University Registrar
Debra Cotton
Associate Registrar
Degree Clearance
Nancy Kashin
Associate Registrar
Transfer Credit Evaluation & Strategic Initiatives
Tameka Lyons
Associate Registrar
Operations & Academic Policy
Log in to the MyRegent portal and select Bookstore Online.
Regent University and the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) have provided helpful information to enable VCCS students to experience a smooth transition to Regent. Learn all about Virginia community college common transfer equivalencies.
Regent University participates in several tuition waiver exchange programs, which are open to full-time employees, their spouses and eligible dependents (based upon the IRS definition of dependent), after one full year of employment at Regent.
Application Guidelines & Steps to Complete
Tuition Waiver Exchange Programs
- Council of Independent Colleges’ Tuition Exchange Program (CIC-TEP) – CIC-TEP provides the opportunity for eligible faculty and staff or their family members to receive undergraduate and/or graduate scholarships (excluding doctoral programs) at one of the nearly 400 participating member institutions.
- Council for Christian Colleges & Universities’ Tuition Waiver Exchange Program (CCCU-TWEP) – CCCU-TWEP is open to undergraduate dependents of full-time faculty, staff and/or administrators who have been at the sending institution for one full year prior to TWEP participation, or according to guidelines defined by each of the participating CCCU member institutions. Graduate programs are not eligible for this benefit.
- The Tuition Exchange (TE) – The Tuition Exchange Tuition Waiver Exchange Program is open to undergraduate dependents of full-time faculty, staff and/or administrators who have been at the sending institution for one full year prior to TWEP participation, or according to guidelines defined by each of the participating TE member institutions (graduate programs are not eligible for this benefit).
- Tuition Waiver Exchange Program (TWEP-RU) – Regent has established individual agreements with several other Christian colleges and universities whereby we have agreed to provide reciprocal tuition waivers to students on a “balance sheet” basis. This is modeled after the CCCU‘s TWEP program. All degree seeking programs and levels eligible according to the agreement between Regent and importing college. Please email registrar@regent.edu for additional information. Please include your full name, the name of the University/College where you are employed (or if you are a dependent of someone employed at the university/college).
Academic standing is evaluated based on your program and the required minimum cumulative GPA for your academic level. For most undergraduate programs, you must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 to remain in good academic standing with Regent University.
Please note: Maintaining good academic standing is also important to maintain eligibility for federal financial aid.
In the event your cumulative GPA falls below the 2.00 requirement after the end of a semester, please review the academic standing policy and process below.
If you need to contact your academic advisor at any time to discuss your academic standing, please reach out at 757.352.4385 or advising@regent.edu.
Undergraduate students with less than a 2.00 cumulative GPA at the end of any semester will initially be placed on academic warning. While on academic warning, students will be limited to a maximum of 12 credit hours of coursework.
Students must raise their cumulative GPA to 2.00 or higher by the end of the next semester of enrollment.
Under this status, it is recommended that you repeat any previously failed courses. When you repeat a course, the highest attempt will be used to calculate your GPA.
Please note: Students who earn a 0.00 GPA during their academic warning semester will proceed directly to academic suspension.
Students are encouraged to work with their academic advisor to discuss best practices and strategies for academic success!
Undergraduate students with less than a 2.00 but more than a 0.00 cumulative GPA at the end of the academic warning semester will be placed on academic probation.
All undergraduate students on academic probation will be required to work with their academic advisor on all course planning and registration for the next term of enrollment.
Under this status, it is recommended that you repeat any previously failed courses. When you repeat a course, the highest attempt will be used to calculate your GPA.
Undergraduate students that are not in good academic standing following the academic probation semester (or earned a 0.00 cumulative GPA during their academic warning semester) will be placed on academic suspension.
Students must appeal for an academic grace semester by submitting an academic appeal immediately upon notification of suspension or up to one year after notification. If appealing more than one semester after notification is received, please contact your academic advisor for assistance.
The academic appeal form can be accessed for a limited time using the electronic form here.
Students will require an approved academic success plan to be approved by their academic advisor in order to continue with coursework. A conversation is required with an academic advisor to proceed with enrollment.
Please note: Students who do not raise their cumulative GPA to a minimum of 2.00 during the approved timeline will be academically dismissed from Regent University.
Undergraduate students are academically dismissed if the requirements of their academic redemption plan, including the minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA, are not satisfied by the approved timeline.
Any student academically dismissed from the university may apply for readmission after at least a year following dismissal. Readmission is not guaranteed.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99).
FERPA rights apply once a student is considered “in attendance” by the institution. Regent University defines “in attendance” as being registered for at least one class at 12:01 a.m. on the first day of the student’s first term, as determined by the official University Academic Calendar.
Regent University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For access to our full policy and procedures, copies will be made available to students and parents of students upon request. To make a request, please email the Registrar’s Office at registrar@regent.edu.
Students who want to review their educational records must make a written request to the Registrar’s Office listing the item(s) of interest.
Regent University will comply with a request for access to education records within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 45 calendar days after receipt of a request from a student.
Educational Records
Educational records include the files and their contents that are maintained by official units of the university. They do not include:
- Records of instructional, administrative and educational personnel that are the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any individual except a temporary substitute authorized by the maker.
- Records of a law enforcement unit.
- Student health and counseling records.
- Employment or alumni records.
- Drafts or internal correspondence not maintained by the Registrar’s Office.
Documents that Students may not inspect and review
- Financial records of parents or guardians.
- Confidential letters and recommendations associated with admissions, employment or job placement, or honors to which they have waived their rights of inspection and review.
- Education records containing information about more than one student, in which case the institution will permit access only to that part of the record that pertains to the inquiring student.
- Records to which the student has waived the right of access.
Students will be charged $0.15 per page for these copies.
Students who believe that information contained in their education record is inaccurate or misleading, or that it violates their privacy or other rights, may seek correction of their records through a request to amend the records or through a hearing. Challenges can be made to the accuracy of the records only and not to the judgments the records contain.
Students who believe that information contained in their education records is inaccurate, misleading, or violates their privacy or other rights may direct a request for amendment to the Registrar. To the extent possible, students must specify the exact type, source, and date of the education record they seek to correct. In addition, student must specify the reasons for the nature of the proposed correction.
The Registrar will decide whether to amend the record in accordance with the request within a reasonable period of time following receipt of the request. If the Registrar decides not to amend the record, the student will be informed of the decision and advise the student of the right to a hearing.
Student requests for a hearing must be made to the executive vice president in writing, specifically stating the nature of their disagreement with their educational records. The executive vice president will appoint a Hearing Committee and schedule a hearing. The Committee will include: a representative from Student Services, a representative from the Registrar’s Office and the student’s advisor or another faculty member from the school in which the student is enrolled. The executive vice president will inform the student of the time, date and place of the hearing. Students may present evidence relevant to the issues raised and may be assisted or represented at the hearing by one or more persons of their choice, including attorneys, at the student’s expense.
Decisions of the Hearing Committee will be final, based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing, will consist of written statements summarizing the evidence and stating the reasons for the decisions and will be delivered to all parties concerned. If the decision is in favor of the students, the educational records will be corrected or amended.
If the decision is unsatisfactory to the student, the student may submit a statement commenting on the information in his or her records, or statements setting forth any reasons for disagreeing with the Hearing Committee’s decision. The statements will be placed in the education records, maintained as part of the students’ records, and released whenever the records in question are disclosed.
Directory Information
At the end of the fall add/drop period, the Registrar’s Office sends to students a notice of the student’s right not to have student directory information released. Students may, at any time, request that directory information not be released by submitting the Confidentiality of Student Records Request form to the Registrar’s Office. Information already published will not be affected by this request. Without such written request, the university may release directory information to outside parties if considered appropriate. Students may request in writing that future releases of directory information not be made.
Directory information includes: name, address, telephone number, email address, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student, photograph and participation in officially recognized activities. Only the Registrar’s Office should disseminate directory information. All inquiries for such information should be forwarded to the Registrar’s Office.
Student Services may distribute in-school directories to students if the school adheres to this policy. If additional information is added, the school must receive signed waivers from students whose names and other information will appear in the directory. Names or lists must not be released to outside parties.
Non-directory Information
The university maintains the confidentiality of student educational records and such non-directory information may be released only with the students’ written request. However, information may be released without prior written consent in the following instances:
- Disclosure to designated school officials with “legitimate educational interest” as defined below.
- Disclosure to officials of other institutions in which students seek to enroll.
- Disclosure to persons or organizations providing students financial aid.
- Disclosure to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function.
- Disclosure in connection with an emergency if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.
- Disclosure to persons in compliance with a judicial order.
Health and counseling records may be provided to physicians and licensed psychologists of the students’ choosing.
Legitimate Educational Interest: Faculty and staff access to student educational records for administrative reasons is allowed provided that such persons are properly identified and can demonstrate a legitimate educational interest in the material. Student workers may have access to appropriate information as designated by the dean or department head. If a breach of confidentiality occurs, appropriate formal disciplinary action will be taken up to and including dismissal from employment. In order to remind the Regent community of the confidentiality policy, annual training will be required by all faculty and staff.
Parental Access
The definition of “Student” under FERPA refers to a person who either has reached the age of 18 or who is attending an institution of post-secondary education. At the post-secondary level parents have no inherent rights to inspect student records; this right is limited solely to the student. It is the University’s policy to release academic or financial information to parents and/or guardians of students (whether or not the student has reached the age of 18) only upon the student’s written authorization. The student may complete a “Student Information Release” (FERPA waiver), available in the Registrar’s Office or online, to grant this authorization.