Life Coaching
Life Coaching empowers students to rise as self-leaders through thought-provoking conversations with certified life coaches. Students create solid strategies and measurable action plans to overcome obstacles that impact their success in school. Students can discover their sense of purpose or define their personal mission, set goals with accountability, develop healthy mindsets, build powerful habits, and manage priorities, time, and stress.




Discovery Tools
Life Coaching activates student potential, addresses barriers, and equips Christians leaders to change the world. Life Coaches can help all students, from new freshmen to seasoned learners, make the most of their Regent experience. From one-on-one appointments to workshops and innovative programs, Life Coaching helps students transform daily.
Handshake Appointment Tutorial
International Student Community
The International Student Community endeavors to provide Regent students from outside the United States with education, encouragement, and support as they pursue their degrees and adapt to the Regent community. Life coaches assist international students in achieving success in life, leadership, and learning by providing them with resources and tools that address cultural differences and perceived barriers to their education while empowering them to increase their self-confidence for continued development.
Seasoned Learners Community
The Seasoned Learners community meets monthly on a private online platform with Regent Life Coaches for the benefit of coming together to educate, encourage, and empower each other. Geared toward students 50 years old or better, coaches help seasoned learners achieve academic success by offering tools and strategies that address perceived barriers and increase confidence.
Mature Learners Community
The Mature Learners Community are students between the ages of 25 and 49. The MLC meets monthly online with Regent Life Coaches to educate, encourage, and empower each other as we navigate the opportunities and barriers related to work-life balance. Our objective is to foster a community where mature learners may explore resources and strategies to help overcome life stressors and thrive while seeking higher education!

1. Believing in people is imitating how God works at change in us.
Like Jesus’ belief in us, the unconditional belief of a coach unleashes the power of God for change in a client’s life. Therefore, coaching uses listening, asking questions, and keeping the client responsible instead of advice-giving, because these disciplines are practical ways to show belief in a person. (2 Corinthians 5:16-17)
2. God initiates change through real, everyday life experiences
God is the sovereign initiator of our growth, setting the agenda and motivating us to grow through the real events in our lives. Change starts with God’s action. Therefore, a coach waits to see what God is doing in the client’s life before engaging it, instead of trying to push a change agenda on the client. (John 5:19)
3. Leaders take responsibility for their own growth.
Coaches develop leaders by keeping them responsible and allowing them to solve their own problems. Taking responsibility for others stunts their growth. Therefore, a coach diligently allows the client to choose agendas, goals, solutions, and action steps instead of spoon feeding the client. (Hebrews 5:14)
4. Transformation is primarily experiential and relational, not informational.
The things that most deeply shape us happen through experiences and relationships, not by accumulating information. Therefore, transformational coaching focuses on engaging the teachable moments of life in the context of a transparent coaching relationship to produce lasting change. (Job 42:5-6)
5. Every experience fosters our growth when we’re learning from life.
Life is an ongoing development process custom designed by God for our growth. Coaching works because it takes seriously what life brings as God’s agenda for change. Therefore, coaches listen intently and intuitively because each incident in the client’s life is meaningful and important. (Romans 8:28)
6. Ministry flows out of being.
Ultimately, behavior comes out of character. What we do is a function of who we are. Identity, character and destiny issues hold great potential for transformation. Therefore, transformational coaching concentrates on changing what you do by changing who you are. (Luke 6:45)
7. Growth is maximized in an accountable learning community. Maximized growth and destiny fulfillment are only possible within an interdependent learning community. Coaching provides the relational context we need to go farthest and reach highest. Therefore, coaches intentionally invest in relationship as a vital part of the change process. (Proverbs 27:17)
8. Open and honest relationships are what make the body of Christ real. Transparent relationships free us from secret sins and hidden fears that tie us down, and give God access to our lives in a deeper way. Therefore, coaches intentionally foster an authentic atmosphere because of its intrinsic power to open us to God’s work in our lives. (2 Corinthians 6:11-13)
9. God has entrusted each person with the stewardship of his or her own life.
God has entrusted to each person the stewardship of his or her own life. We are individually responsible for our choices and for fulfilling our God-given destiny. Therefore, coaches never take freedom of choice away by telling a client what to do, because free will is a gift from God. (Romans 11:29 and 14:12)
10. Each person is a uniquely designed individual.
Each person is a uniquely valuable individual with a distinctive gifting, history and call. Coaching is an individualized process because people are individuals. Therefore, coaching follows the client’s discernment and uses the client’s solutions, because what worked for one may not work for another. (1 Corinthians 12:17-20)
Used with permission from 2008 Lifeforming Leadership Coaching (V8.2). All Rights Reserved. Learn more at lifeformingcoach.com.
Students tell us time and again about their incredible experiences working with Regent Life Coaches. The positive feedback is a testament to our commitment to providing the highest-quality experience for our students.
Appointment Types/Topics:
- Life Coaching Exploration
- Life Coaching 3-week Series
- Life Coaching Assessments
- Purpose and Calling
- Leadership Development
- Habit Formation
- Mindset and Motivation
- Stress Management
To schedule your appointment with a Life Coach, click the button above or call 757.352.4906.
Regent Life Coaches are equipped to help students on various topics so they can conquer obstacles and launch forward with clarity. Here are some topic-specific resources that can be referenced before or after a coaching session:
Helping students of all ages and degree designations be equipped with the tools to experience success through the different Life Coaching Program Series.
Signature Life Coaching Program Series hosted by Life Coaches at Regent University:
Thrive (6 Weeks)
The Thrive Program adopts a proactive and preventative approach to promoting wellness and healing through counseling and life coaching techniques and strategies. This dual approach aims to empower and equip students for success at Regent University and in their future endeavors.
Leadership Unleashed (6 Weeks)
“Leadership Unleashed: Foundations of Strong Leadership” is designed to be a transformative experience that prepares students to be thoughtful, effective, and inclusive leaders. Through this program, participants gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will empower them to lead in their personal and professional lives from career coaching (NACE Competencies) and life coaching techniques and strategies.
Resilient Faith (6 Weeks)
The program blends biblical truths with practical application, ensuring students learn about resilience and grow in their relationship with God. Student Success partners with campus ministries for insightful and powerful teachings and transformative discussions.
Pathways to Purpose (4 Weeks)
This program is designed to guide students through a journey of self-discovery, integrating faith and personal growth. Each week focuses on a different lesson and assessment tool to help students understand various aspects of their identity and how they can align these insights with their spiritual and academic lives.
Living Authentically (6 Weeks)
This program is designed to help empower and train students to live authentically. The Student Success team works together to lead conversations that enrich the lives of students.
Discovering your God-given design can help you understand your purpose, articulate how you operate best and activate your gifts and abilities toward your calling. Meet with a life coach to review any of your results and set an action plan to support your goals!
Regent Readiness Inventory
The Regent Readiness Inventory (RRI) enables you to self-assess your strengths and growth opportunities in four areas: academic skills, life skills, personal perspectives, and self-leadership. You are welcome to complete the inventory as many times as you like.
Wheel of Life
The Wheel of Life tool helps to explore where you are in your life right now and where you would like to be in the future. Your honest self-ratings (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) illuminate areas of focus. This tool is most useful when completed and reviewed with a life coach.
16 Personalities Test
The 16 Personalities Assessment allows you to discover your strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. Immediate results, no email required. Reveal your accurate personality type based on psychometric research. This tool is most useful when completed and reviewed with a life coach.
Life Timeline
What does your life timeline reveal? A life timeline is a visual representation of significant moments in a person’s life. To create a personal timeline of a person, you must list all important, influential events during one’s lifetime and arrange them in chronological order. Create your life timeline, and review it with a life coach for the best insights.
Motivational Gifts
Based on Romans 12, the GiftTest inventory reveals your constant motivational gifts despite differing life stages. How these play out may vary based on your life contexts (e.g., family, church, career), significant relationships (e.g., as a parent, child), and transitions (e.g., entering college or the workforce, marrying, or retiring).
Clifton Strengths Finder
The Clifton Strengths Finder helps you discover what makes you unique and how you can develop your natural talents into strengths to maximize your potential. This inventory incurs a nominal $20 fee, which is refundable following a completed appointment with a life coach or career coach.
Saboteurs are the self-talk voices in your head that generate negative emotions in the way you handle everyday challenges. They represent automated patterns in your mind for how to think, feel and respond. They cause your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, restlessness, and unhappiness. They also sabotage your performance, well-being and relationships. To conquer your saboteurs, you must exercise and build three mental muscles: Saboteur Interceptor Muscle, Self-Command Muscle, and Sage Muscle.
What is Life Coaching at Regent?
Life Coaching empowers students to rise as self-leaders through thought-provoking conversations with certified life coaches. Students discover their sense of purpose or define their mission, set goals accountable, develop healthy mindsets, build powerful habits, and manage priorities, time, and stress. Students create solid strategies, and measurable action plans to overcome obstacles that impact their success in school.
Can I work with the same coach again?
Yes, as long as the time is still most convenient for you.
How many appointments can we have?
You can have as many appointments as needed throughout your duration at Regent University; however, per semester, typically, 2-3 appointments are sufficient to develop a plan with a coach.
Note: The appointment schedule can fill up quickly, so schedule ahead of time.
How long do appointments last?
Appointments run 35-40 minutes.
Should I try life coaching if I am doing well in my classes?
Yes, life coaching is not just for students who are experiencing challenges academically. Life Coaching can bring clarity to purpose, personal mission, and vision for one’s life. In addition, Life Coaching also is a great resource to address other challenges outside of academics that could impede academic progress such as work-life balance, procrastination, organization, etc.
Is life coaching the same as counseling?
No, they are not the same. Coaching is designed to focus on a way forward. Regent University does also provide counseling services for students.
Life Coaching
Dede Robertson Student Center, Room 135
Phone: 757.352.4906
Email: LC@regent.edu
Instagram: @regent.studenthappiness
Student Testimonials
Listen to Andrew’s Story
Listen to Krystal’s Story
Listen to Emaneli’s Story