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Regent University PhD Communication and DSC Dissertations

PhD in Communication and DSC Dissertations

Students pursuing a Ph.D. in Communication or a Doctor of Strategic Communication in the School of Communication & the Arts will complete a dissertation before graduating from their programs. Doctoral students demonstrate their knowledge by crafting original research that will have a positive influence on communicators across industries. 

PHD Communication Dissertations

Clejetter Cousins

John Keeler, Ph.D.

Communicating in Color: Attitudes Toward African American Language Use on a College Campus

Rennie Cowan

Kevin Crawford, Ph.D.

Transformed Not: Colonial Ideology and Influence in the Motion Picture Franchise Transformers

NiCole Dennler

Stephen Perry, PhD.

Where Have All the People Gone: The Infusion of Tourism and the Decisions that Impact to the Maijuna Community of the Amazon Rainforest in Peru

Jeanne Fox

Kevin Crawford, Ph.D.

Deviant Voices: News Agency Coverage of Controversial Public Figures (2012-2022)

Eric Frederick

John Keeler, Ph.D.

Faith Based Communication Transformation During COVID-19

Elicia Frelix

Carol Hepburn, Ph.D.

A Narrative Inquiry of African American Women in Stem-Technology Fields

Linda Hernandez

Carol Hepburn, Ph.D.

Madonna: Age Hypogamy and Medellin

Haley Higgs

Stephen Perry, Ph.D.

Communicating Unconventionally: A Qualitative Analysis of the Perception of Telemental Health, by Mental Health Practitioners, During COVID-19

Candice Hassell Karako

William Brown, Ph.D.

Bridging the Racial Divide: Extracting Effective Communication Strategies from Interracial Couples

Stefanie Leiter

John Keeler, Ph.D.

Communicating Through the Enneagram: A Christian Higher Education Leadership Study in Pre-Crisis Communication

Matt Mattingly

William Brown, Ph.D.

Visual Hegemony: The Image as Political Theory, Visual Hegemony in Political Communication: The COVID-19 Twitter Conspiracy

Chloe Mayhew

John Keeler, Ph.D.

Communication Along the Journey: The Experiences of Female College and University Presidents as They Rose to the Top

Candace Moore

William Brown, Ph.D.

Celebrity Pastors’ Designer Fashion Representations on Instagram: A Qualitative Star Studies Analysis Applying the Sociology of Impression Management, Visual Communication, and Semiotics

Alicia Mucha

William Brown, Ph.D.

After Abortion: Communicating Healing and Forgiveness to Women and Abortion Survivors

Varaidzo Nyamandi

John Keeler, Ph.D.

Comparing Metaphors of Aging and Older Adults Used Among Zimbabweans Based on Length of Time Living in The United States

Karl Otto

William Brown, Ph.D.

Public Healthcare Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Karen Russell

Stephen Perry, Ph.D.

Race, Radio, & Records: A Historical Case Study of WLAC Nashville 1940 – 1970

Crystal White

John Keeler, Ph.D.

Socially Sharing Between the Lines: A Netnography Using Reception Analysis of the Representation of Flannery O’Connor’s Short Fiction in Online Communities

David Yebuah

Jeffrey Gardner, Ph.D.

WhatsApp,God? A Comparative Analysis of Intercessory Prayer by ICGC Members on WhatsApp and In-Person Congregational Settings in Accra, Ghana

Doctor of Strategic Communication Dissertations

Allison Campbell

Mary Myers, Ph.D.

Will They Pray Publicly When Called Upon? A Quantitative Survey Examining Public Prayer Apprehension (PPA)

KiYong Kim

Mary Myers, Ph.D.

Dynamic Internal Communication Capabilities and Employee-Organizational Relationships

Mary Pauley

Carol Hepburn, Ph.D.

Athlete Satisfaction and Motivation: Athletes’ Perceptions of Coaches’ Communication Skills During Off-field Interactions

PHD Communication Dissertations

Akosua Asare-Frempong
Let’s talk about Africa: A Comparative Content Analysis of Media Coverage of Ghanaian Presidential Elections.
George Bovenizer
Black Baseball in California: Breaking the color Barrier Through Print Media Coverage of Satchel Paige and Other Black Stars
Jennifer Constantine
Unlimited Potential for Higher Education Transformational Change: A Diffusion of Innovations Exploration at Broward College
Jana Duckett
The Phenomenology of Polymedia: Exploring the Effects of Technology on Marital Communication Among Millennials in the Polymedia Home
John Dunkle
Homiletical Prayers: Exploring the Rhetorical Value of Public Prayer in Preaching
Kimberly Feld
Afghans Who Aided the United States:  Communication and Cross-cultural Adaptation of Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Recipients and Spouses of SIVs
Nancy Flory
Communicating the Faith: Passing Down Beliefs from Grandparents to Grandchild Through Storytelling
Doug Johnson
Technology Decision and Adoption in the Local Church: A Case Study Surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic
Beryl Nyamwange
Visionary agents or Vulnerable agenda: Communication of justice among children and youth in humanitarian conflict in the Middle East
Dara Phillips
Multitasking Fitness Routines and Media Consumption: A Uses and Gratifications and Mediatization Exploration
Jonathan Powers
George MacDonald and Interpreting Myth Fantasy as Truth-Telling
Andrew Phillips
Ears to Hear: The Effects of Deductive and Inductive Preaching in the Church of Christ
Michael Ruest
That Dragon, Cancer: Exploring Audience Involvement with a Videogame that Entertains to Educate
Deborah Sacra
Mediatization of Liberian Young Adults during COVID-19
Richard Schutta
Understanding Early Exposure to Digital Media and its Influence on Mobile Phone Dependency
Dollie Speights
Connecting/Bridging Identity, Identifying Gaps: A Spiritually-Integrated Communication Theory of Identity Perspective
Mary Weber
Illegitimacy During the “Baby Scoop Era”: A New Look at the Stories Lived, the Stories Told, and the Stories Unheard and Untold 
Jude Whitton
Examining Social Support & Privacy Management of the Bereaved
David Yebuah
A Comparative Analysis of Intercessory Prayer by ICGC Members on WhatsApp and in-Person Congregational Settings in Accra, Ghana

Doctor of Strategic Communication Dissertations

Brandon Donnelly
The Role of Communication in Video Game Enjoyment 
Darren Zancan
Exploring the Effects of Negative User-Generated Tweets on Athletes

PHD Communication Dissertations

Jinger Bernhardt, Ph.D.
Reaching the Least Reached People Group in the World: Communicating the Christian Faith to the Deaf Culture
Andrew Bolin, Ph.D.
Take Me Out To The Ballgame?: Situational Crisis Communication Theory and the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the 2020 Major League Baseball Season
Abram Book, Ph.D.
The Holiness Movement’s Mark Twain: The Preaching Style of Reuben V. ‘Uncle Bud’ Robinson and the Use of Humor and the Southern Oral Tradition to Move Audiences.
Michael Cuozzo, Ph.D.
I May Accept It, But I Don’t Support It: Exploring and Furthering Kelman’s Three-Process Model of Opinion Change and Changing Marriage Norms
Adrienne Garvey, Ph.D.
Working Through Trauma: The Use of Comfort Dogs in Television Newsrooms
Stephen Kabah, Ph.D.
Connected and Disconnected – The Third Wheel: Social Media Digital Intimacy and the Role of Mediatization on Marriage Well-Being
Kalah Kemp, Ph.D.
Rape Culture and The Spiral of Silence: A Cultural Analysis of #MeToo in India and the US
Xiang Li, Ph.D.
The Preparation for the Winter Olympic Games: The Soft Power of China’s Citizens Created China’s Global Promotion
Cynthia Long, Ph.D.
End of Life Dialogue and Its Influence on the Grief Process
Brian Mattson, Ph.D.
Articulating Christianity: Jacques Ellul’s Dialectic on Technology, Culture, and Power
Jessica Morris, Ph.D.
Fact vs. Narrative: Building Food Allergy Awareness in a Non-Allergic World
Collen Palmer, Ph.D.
A Qualitative Investigation of Teens’ Interpretations of the Controversial Show 13 Reasons Why; Using Audience Reception Theory to Analyze a Viable Media and Social-Emotional Literacy
Andrew Phillips, Ph.D.
Ears to Hear: The Effects of Deductive and Inductive Preaching in the Church of Christ
Dara Phillips, Ph.D.
Multitasking Fitness Routines and Media Consumption: A Uses and Gratifications and Mediatization Exploration
Philip Williams, Ph.D.
The Image of Witness

PHD Communication Dissertations

Pauline Andrea, Ph.D. 
Going Beyond Borders: Organizational Citizenship Behavior Redefined an Expanded Perception within Nigerian Culture
Nadine Barnett Cosby, Ph.D.
The Revolution may Not Be Televised but It Will Be Hashtagged: The Impact of Social Media on Social Movements, Racial Perceptions, and Real-World Activism
Shannon Bates, Ph.D.
During the Week: An Ethnographic Study of Pastoral Communication
Hanisha Besant, Ph.D.
Captivating the Listener: Learning Best Practices of Indirect Communication from the Sermons of Barbara Brown Taylor
Kristi David, Ph.D.
Parasocial Attachment within Social Networking Sites: Finding Comfort and Security in those You Follow Online
Brooke Dunbar, Ph.D.
Connection and Disconnection in the Online Spaces: An Analysis of Semantic, Latent, and Cultural Themes across Reddit
Lynelle Ellis, Ph.D.
Seventh-day Adventists and the Movies: An Historical and Contemporary Exploration of the Conflict between Christianity and Visual Media
Tiffany Eurich, Ph.D.
Knitting Together a Community: Understanding Cultural Reaffiliation in Hobby-Centric Social Media Communities
Ijeoma Eze, Ph.D.
The Rise of Feminists: Gender Equality among Millennial Nigerian American Women
Nicole Fairweather, Ph.D.
Media’s Role in Public Perceptions of STEM: Understanding Television Portrayals of Scientists through Examination of The Big Bang Theory
Diane Gravely, Ph.D.
Power, Collaboration, and the “Team of Eight”: An Analysis of Power within Texas School Board Governing Groups
Aloni Hill, Ph.D.
The Steve Harvey Signifying Effect in the Post-Literate Era: A Comparison of Identification and Parasocial Interaction through Eurocentric and Afrocentric Lenses
Justin Jackson, Ph.D.
The Treacher Collins Experience: Narrative Explorations into What It Is Like Living with Treacher Collins Syndrome
Flora Khoo, Ph.D.
Innocence Killed: Recruitment, Radicalization and Desensitization of Children in the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
Jason Leverett, Ph.D.
Connecting the Dots: Exploring Religious Organization-Public Relationships in a Predominately Religious Setting
Joshua Mims, Ph.D.
Artistry and Authorship: Examining Unique Artistic Voice in Collaborative Filmmaking
Joshua Mims, Ph.D.
Artistry and Authorship: Examining Unique Artistic Voice in Collaborative Filmmaking
Lana Myers, Ph.D.
An Analysis of the First Year of Marriage in the Situational Comedy, Mike & Molly, Through the Lens of Attribution Theory of Conflict and Marriage Types Theory
Carmen Navarro, Ph.D.
Jihadist Recruitment through Popular Media: Analysis of the Television Series Black Crows
Jonathan Peterson, Ph.D.
StoryBrand Narrative Marketing: An Examination of the Influence of Narrative Marketing on Organizations
Roger Rome, Ph.D.
Narrative Virtual Reality Filmmaking: A Communication Conundrum
Dana Sleger, Ph.D.
Shrimp Nickel Tales: How Stories about Food, Faith and Family are Used in the Generational Transmission of Values within the Mississippi Gulf Coast Seafood Industry Culture