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A picturesque view of the fountain on Regent University's Virginia Beach campus with spring blooms in the foreground.

Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan Program

Subject to available funding, these scholarship loans are for teacher candidates, including graduate students and paraprofessionals from Virginia school divisions enrolled in an approved teacher education program at an accredited Virginia public or private four-year institution of higher education in the Commonwealth. Students do not need to apply and nominations are submitted early May for the upcoming Fall semester.

Candidates must be enrolled at least part-time in an approved undergraduate or graduate program leading to an endorsement in a critical shortage area as annually established by the Board of Education.

2022-2023 Ten Critical Shortage Teaching Endorsement Areas in Virginia<

  1. Elementary Education PreK-6
  2. Special Education
  3. Middle Education Grades 6-8
  4. Career and Technical Education
  5. Mathematics Grades 6-12 (including Algebra 1)
  6. Science (Secondary)
  7. Foreign Language PreK-12
  8. English (Secondary)
  9. History and social science (secondary)
  10. Health and physical education

Upon program completion, the recipients of the Virginia Teaching Scholarship Loan are expected to teach in the public schools of the Commonwealth in the first full academic year after becoming eligible for a renewable teaching license. If the recipient fails to honor the obligation, the scholarship loan must be paid back to the Commonwealth of Virginia.