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Pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies – Internet and Social Media degree at Regent University.

B.A. in Communication Studies – Internet & Social Media

Create Content. Build Your Brand with a Social Media Degree.

You’re Internet-savvy and ready to take your skills to the next level. Regent’s Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies—Internet & Social Media can prepare you to communicate effectively through online channels and social media platforms. From developing web content to interactive media, you can learn how to connect with audiences in a powerful way. Discover what you can do with a social media degree.

On Campus, Online
May 12, 2025
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Learn how to write for the web and design effective social media campaigns.


Anchor your knowledge and skill on Christian principles and values.


Be mentored by faculty in Virginia Beach who hold the highest degrees in their field. Meet the faculty.

Explore Scholarships

Explore exciting scholarship opportunities such as academic merit scholarships, honors college scholarships, and more! Learn about the scholarships for on-campus incoming freshmen: the $10,000 Freedom Scholarships, $4,000 Homeschool Scholarships and $4,000 Private School Scholarships.


Regent has been ranked among the Top National Universities by the U.S. News & World Report (2025). Our programs have also ranked as the #1 Best Online Bachelor's Programs in Virginia 13 years in a row (2013-2025).

Please complete the Request Information form on this page to learn more about this program.

On completing the Social Media Degree, you can:

  • Design effective social media campaigns to include tweets, blogs, articles, and other web content
  • Develop interactive and web-based media to meet customer requirements and achieve organizational goals
  • Understand theories, technologies, and best practices for interactive content across many different platforms

Career Opportunities:

  • Social media strategist
  • Digital media strategist
  • Internet marketer
  • Web content developer
Approximate Median Salary for a Social Media Strategist, 2024 Glassdoor
Featured Courses
BUSN 240Marketing Principles3
Exploration of principles and activities in the commercial enterprise including topics such as product, price, promotion, place/channel, competition, company, and communication.
COMM 350Writing for Strategic Communication3
Advanced study and practice of the researching, writing, editing, and packaging of news, information and entertainment for a global audience. Cross-listed with JRNU 350.
COMM 446Capstone Seminar3
Integrates the major disciplines in communication and affords the student direction and advisement in proposing, designing, and executing a senior research paper or project. Prerequisites: COMM 245 and Senior standing.
ENGL 326Creative Nonfiction & Feature Writing3
Study and practice of writing creative nonfiction. Prerequisite: ENGL 240.
ISYS 204Introduction to Information Systems3
Computer systems, networks, databases, intellectual property, computer security, artificial intelligence, legal and ethical considerations, codes of conduct, privacy, computer crimes, and the future of computing and the Internet and their relationship to the business world.
JRNU 360Principles of Journalism3
Principles of contemporary journalism for any platform or storytelling format.  Includes news and information gathering; constructing a story; using numbers and data to tell a story and assess information; editing and presentation; ethical issues of covering stories; and visual literacy.
MKTG 430Social Media Marketing3
Examining the strategies, tools and practices behind using social media for effective marketing. Students will consider various viral marketing channels and the principles for optimizing their effect usage. A capstone project will be the development of an integrated multichannel approach to increase brand awareness and achieve marketing objectives. Prerequisite: BUSN 240.

Step 1: Apply to Regent University

Submit your application using the Regent University Online Application.

Note: If you are unable to complete our application due to a disability, please contact our Admissions Office at 757.352.4990 or and an admissions representative will provide reasonable accommodations to assist you in completing the application.

Step 2: Submit Your Unofficial Transcripts

Submit your unofficial high school or college transcripts to

Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email requesting authorization for Regent University to obtain your official transcripts from your U.S. degree-granting institution. International transcripts must be evaluated by a NACES, AACRAO or NAFSA approved agency.

Step 3: Submit Your Government-Issued ID

To ensure academic integrity, Regent University requires a copy of a government-issued ID. Please submit a scanned copy or photograph of it to

Step 4: Submit Your FAFSA

Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at Regent's school code is 030913.

Please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at 757.352.4990 or should you have any further questions about the application process.

Note: All items submitted as part of the application process become the property of Regent University and cannot be returned.

DegreeTuition Block Rate Per SemesterCredit Hours Per SemesterTuition Rate Per Year
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$9,97512 - 18$19,950
DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$665Under 12$7,980
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$665Over 18$11,970
Students taking on-campus classes
(summer semester)

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)

Housing Fees » | Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Part-Time Students (3-11 Credit Hours Per Semester)$4506$2,700
Full-Time Students (12+ Credit Hours Per Semester)$39512$4,740

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

DegreeTuition Block Rate Per SemesterCredit Hours Per SemesterTuition Rate Per Year
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$9,49312 - 18$18,986
DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$630Under 12$7,560
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$630Over 18$11,340
Students taking on-campus classes
(summer semester)

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)

Housing Fees » | Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Part-Time Students (3-11 Credit Hours Per Semester)$4506$2,700
Full-Time Students (12+ Credit Hours Per Semester)$39512$4,740

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

Can you be a social media manager without a social media degree?

Yes. You can be a social media manager without a degree in social media. However, a degree can often result in higher pay and show that you have the training to communicate online.

Experience with various social platforms and the proper education can set you apart from competitors when applying for jobs.

What degree do you need for social media marketing?

There’s no particular degree you need to become a social media marketer. Typically a degree related to online communication, social media, or content production are helpful for the more creative side of social media marketing.

Otherwise, a degree in business, management, and marketing is ideal for learning the everyday duties of social media marketing, including reporting, testing, and analytics.

“I am thrilled, delighted and honored to be used for His purpose.”
Jennifer Bennett, B.S., 2007; M.A. in Organizational Leadership & Management, 2011 Organizational, Workforce, Strategic Planning and Leadership Management, U.S. Navy (Washington Navy Yard)
“Regent offered me ... a stepping stone towards academics, towards my future as a Christian leader to change the world, but perhaps more importantly, it gave me a community.”
Katherine Person, B.A., 2017 International Studies
“At Regent, we were encouraged to tie our studies into who we are as Christians and to incorporate that extra layer. We learned to do all things with excellence — and that should never be compromised.”
Debbie Holloway, B.A. in English, 2012 English
“I took a trip to the campus and was blown away by the beauty of the school. What actually won me over to finally pursue an advanced degree was the professional resources offered by the School of Communication & the Arts, as well as the curriculum.”
Jonathan Santiago, M.A., 2012 Digital Media