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Students at the library: Pursue Regent's BA in Leadership Studies degree online or in Virginia Beach, VA 23464.

B.A. in Leadership Studies – Self-Designed

Choose Your Path. Lead the Way.

You want a degree that gives you options and the flexibility to pursue your unique path. Regent’s Bachelor of Arts in Leadership Studies – Self-Designed can equip you with a solid foundation in innovative leadership, ethics, strategic planning, and decision making—preparing you to lead with excellence in a variety of roles. Customize your courses to fit your area of interest, and be challenged in problem-solving, creative thinking, and principled leadership—all from a Christian perspective.

May 12, 2025
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Choose up to 15 credit hours within the same discipline that best fit your career path.


Anchor your knowledge and skill on Christian principles and values.


Be mentored by faculty in Virginia Beach who hold the highest degrees in their field. Regent has been ranked among the Top National Universities by the U.S. News & World Report (2025). Our programs have also ranked as the #1 Best Online Bachelor's Programs in Virginia 13 years in a row (2013-2025).

On completing the B.A. in Leadership Studies – Self-Designed program, you can:

  • Communicate effectively in your chosen area.
  • Lead with excellence and make strategic decisions.
  • Pursue a career in business, ministry, IT, and more.

Career Opportunities

  • Business Administration
  • Computer Programming or Web Development
  • Mentorship & Coaching
  • Network or Systems Administration
  • Nonprofits or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  • Police or Probation Officer
Average Business Administrator Salary, 2022
Featured Courses
LDST 305Innovation Leadership3
The nature, requirements, and beneficial role of entrepreneurial thinking for the leader as innovator in the organization and in society. Prerequisite: LDST 201.
LDST 310Systems Thinking3
Introduction to the vocabulary and methodologies associated with the discipline of systems thinking; relationship between the parts of any system, particularly human systems, explores organizational operations and the interaction of various leadership styles and decisions on those operations. Prerequisite: LDST 201.
LDST 330Ethics3
Study of the nature of ethical leadership through a consideration of the ethical foundations of leadership principles evident in the lives of great leaders. Attention to how the leader’s values and beliefs affect decision-making along with key factors involved in ethical decision-making. Students assess and apply the concepts of organizational and social responsibility by looking at real world problems. Cross-listed with ACCT 320 and MGMT 330.
LDST 350Communication & Influence3
Leader’s behaviors and decisions in sending messages to people throughout the organization. Analysis of the concept of organizational culture, its development, and the effect it has on the leader and people in the organization; focus on a leader’s ability to positively influence followers. Prerequisite: LDST 201.
LDST 370Managerial Decision-Making3
Investigate analytical and process skills for effective decision-making and change management. Assess key factors in the change process, effective planning and problem-solving. Cross-listed with MGMT 370.
LDST 390Independent Study3
An approved independent study option, supervised by faculty in a directed area of scholarship. Study is conducted according to a learning contract between a chosen faculty member and the student. Prerequisite: LDST 201.
LDST 425Leading Teams3
The influence of virtual teams on leadership effectiveness; the development of interactive and dynamic groups in virtual and face-to-face environments. Prerequisite: LDST 201.
LDST 435Strategic Planning3
The process and nature of strategic planning, including the constraints and opportunities leaders face in strategic planning, the leader’s task in accommodating and minimizing these limitations, and the impact of these constraints on strategic choices. Prerequisite: LDST 201.
LDST 440Organizational Dynamics3
The concepts, theories, and current practice regarding organizational structures and their development, the dynamics of individual and collective behavior within organizations; human interaction within organizations to foster and manage change. Emphasis on the role of leadership and cultural values. Prerequisite: Junior standing and prior management or leadership coursework.
LDST 485Special Topics in Leadership1-3
Intensive examination of a selected area of study in the field of leadership studies. Topics vary and are announced in advance. This course may be repeated for credit. Lecture, seminar, and/or team study. Prerequisite: LDST 201.
LDST 490Advanced Independent Study3
An approved advanced independent study option, supervised by faculty, in a directed area of scholarship. Study is conducted according to a learning contract between the student and a chosen faculty member. Prerequisite: LDST 390.
LDST 498Senior Leadership Project3
Capstone project to integrate leadership and the student’s concentration area. Prerequisite: Senior standing.

Step 1: Apply to Regent University

Submit your application using the Regent University Online Application.

Note: If you are unable to complete our application due to a disability, please contact our Admissions Office at 757.352.4990 or and an admissions representative will provide reasonable accommodations to assist you in completing the application.

Step 2: Submit Your Unofficial Transcripts

Submit your unofficial high school or college transcripts to

Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email requesting authorization for Regent University to obtain your official transcripts from your U.S. degree-granting institution. International transcripts must be evaluated by a NACES, AACRAO or NAFSA approved agency.

Step 3: Submit Your Government-Issued ID

To ensure academic integrity, Regent University requires a copy of a government-issued ID. Please submit a scanned copy or photograph of it to

Step 4: Submit Your FAFSA

Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at Regent's school code is 030913.

Please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at 757.352.4990 or should you have any further questions about the application process.

Note: All items submitted as part of the application process become the property of Regent University and cannot be returned.

DegreeTuition Block Rate Per SemesterCredit Hours Per SemesterTuition Rate Per Year
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$9,97512 - 18$19,950
DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$665Under 12$7,980
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$665Over 18$11,970
Students taking on-campus classes
(summer semester)

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)

Housing Fees » | Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Part-Time Students (3-11 Credit Hours Per Semester)$4506$2,700
Full-Time Students (12+ Credit Hours Per Semester)$39512$4,740

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

DegreeTuition Block Rate Per SemesterCredit Hours Per SemesterTuition Rate Per Year
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$9,49312 - 18$18,986
DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$630Under 12$7,560
Students taking on-campus classes
(fall & spring semesters)
$630Over 18$11,340
Students taking on-campus classes
(summer semester)

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)

Housing Fees » | Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Part-Time Students (3-11 Credit Hours Per Semester)$4506$2,700
Full-Time Students (12+ Credit Hours Per Semester)$39512$4,740

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

“I want to be a biomedical engineer and use it for God's glory around the world. Not only do I want to help physically, but I would also want to help spiritually and emotionally. At Regent, I grew so much mentally, spiritually and emotionally in a way I want to share with others.”
Sheila Atieno, B.S. in Biophysical Sciences, 2021 Master’s Student in Biomedical Engineering, New York University
“My internship at Regent enabled me to put my book knowledge into a real-world experience that helped me grow professionally. Now, I am more confident that I bring a unique set of skills employers seek.”
Jessica Stachurski, B.A. in Communication Studies - Strategic Communication, 2020 Marketing Manager, Orphan Network
“For anyone interested in developing the analytical skills required to make sense of complicated ideas, I encourage you to give Regent's Honors College a look. The relationships, skills and knowledge you'll gain through the discussion-based classes, and engaging assignments will benefit you in the years to come.”
Abigail Lindner, College of Arts & Sciences, 2022
“With 30+ years of nursing experience, I saw myself as a leader, but I felt this nudging from God to go back to school. I’ve discovered my new calling: to serve as a life coach.”
Ellyn Jett, B.A. in Communication Studies, 2020 Nurse
“Regent prepared me to step into the unknown with confidence and skill.”
Jonathan Holman, B.S. in Business, 2019 Director of Business Intelligence, Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance