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Two students in the masters in nonprofit management online (MAOL degree) studying in the Regent library.

M.A. in Organizational Leadership – Not-for-Profit Management

Work Smarter to Meet Your Mission in Nonprofit Management

High-performing nonprofits function like successful businesses. Our Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership (MAOL) – Not-for-Profit Management fuses business best practices with the daily complexities of a nonprofit. Taught from a Christian perspective, this program can give you the leadership skills and spiritual wisdom to help your organization make a meaningful difference. There are no GMAT/GRE requirements for this online MAOL degree program. You can gain advice from seasoned business professionals through the Executive Mentor Program. Regent has been ranked among top national universities by the U.S. News & World Report, 2023, and has also been ranked as a Top 10 Military Friendly® School by Military Friendly®, 2023-24. Equip yourself to excel through a master’s program with a concentration in nonprofit management.  

May 12, 2025
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Careers | Other Concentrations | Courses | Admissions | Tuition


Practice solving problems through collaboration, communicating effectively in actual leadership situations, and researching contemporary issues.


Learn to maximize board-staff relations, recruit and motivate volunteers, and develop talent in your staff.


Discover the secrets to fundraising success, including sources of support, planning campaigns, and retaining and growing donors, plus marketing strategies.

You can learn key organizational leadership elements such as ethics, motivation, creativity, vision, strategic planning, and teamwork from our award-winning faculty.

MAOL-Not-for-Profit Management Career Opportunities

After completing your nonprofit management master’s, you can:

  • Efficiently and passionately operate a nonprofit with unpredictable resources.
  • Empower board, staff, and volunteers to fulfill the organization’s mission.
  • Organize for and manage growth, implementing strategies to respond to changes in various settings.

Career Opportunities

  • Nonprofit or Corporate Administration
  • Recruiting & Training
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Team Building
  • Missions
Projected growth from 2023 to 2033, faster than the average for all occupations U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023

Featured Courses
GOV 693Managing Nonprofit & Faith-Based Organizations3
From a strategic management perspective, explore principles and practices of management and administration as they apply to nonprofit organizations. Unique organizational issues covered include board-staff relations; recruiting and motivating volunteers; accountability; organizing for and managing growth; and strategies to respond to changes in the political, economic and cultural environment.
GOV 694NonProfit & Faith-Based Organizations Fundraising Development3
Provides lectures, case studies, outside speakers, and class discussion of development and advancement issues in the management of nonprofit ministries. Explores fundraising, including determining sources of support, planning the campaign, and successful strategies; marketing ministries, including promotional campaigns and public relations; and management issues including recruiting and managing volunteers.
GOV 696Nonprofit Start-Up3
An in-depth and applied study of the principles and practices of starting a nonprofit organization or program through the development of a feasibility study and business plan.

2024-25 Semester Check-In Deadlines

All students are expected to check-in for the semester two weeks before the session start date. Students should apply, be accepted, enroll in their first courses, and confirm a plan to pay for their courses prior to this date.

SessionSemester Check-InSession Start Date
Session AFriday, August 9Monday, August 19
Session MFriday, September 6Monday, September 16
Session BFriday, October 11Monday, October 21
Session CWednesday, January 8Monday, January 13
Session TFriday, January 31Monday, February 10
Session DFriday, March 7Monday, March 17
Session EFriday, May 2Monday, May 12
Session FFriday, June 13Monday, June 23

Admissions Requirements

Step 1: Apply to Regent University

Submit your application using the Regent University Online Application.

Note: If you are unable to complete our application due to a disability, please contact our Admissions Office at 757.352.4990 or and an admissions representative will provide reasonable accommodations to assist you in completing the application.

Step 2: Submit Your Unofficial Transcripts

Submit your unofficial transcripts to

Upon submitting your application, you will receive an email requesting authorization for Regent University to obtain your official transcripts from your U.S. degree-granting institution. International transcripts must be evaluated by a NACES, AACRAO or NAFSA approved agency.

Step 3: Submit Your Government-Issued ID

To ensure academic integrity, Regent University requires a copy of a government-issued ID. Please submit a scanned copy or photograph of it to

Please feel free to contact the Office of Admissions at 757.352.4990 or should you have any further questions about the application process.

Note: All items submitted as part of the application process become the property of Regent University and cannot be returned.


DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Master of Arts (MA) / Master of Science (MS)$6956$4,170
Master of Business Administration (MBA)$6956$4,170
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)$1,0203$3,060
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership (PhD)$1,0203$3,060
Doctor of Strategic Leadership (DSL)$1,0203$3,060

Full-Time Students

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Master of Arts (MA) / Master of Science (MS)$6959$6,255
Master of Business Administration (MBA)$6959$6,255
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)$1,0206$6,120
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership (PhD)$1,0206$6,120
Doctor of Strategic Leadership (DSL)$1,0206$6,120

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)
University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

Part-Time Students

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Master of Arts (MA) / Master of Science (MS)$6956$4,170
Master of Business Administration (MBA)$6956$4,170
Doctor in Business Administration (DBA)$1,0203$3,060
Doctor of Philosophy in Business (PhD)$1,0203$3,060
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership (PhD)$1,0203$3,060
Doctor of Strategic Leadership (DSL)$1,0203$3,060

Full-Time Students

DegreeTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Master of Arts (MA) / Master of Science (MS)$6959$6,255
Master of Business Administration (MBA)$6959$6,255
Doctor in Business Administration (DBA)$1,0206$6,120
Doctor of Philosophy in Business (PhD)$1,0206$6,120
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership (PhD)$1,0206$6,120
Doctor of Strategic Leadership (DSL)$1,0206$6,120

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)
University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

*Rates are subject to change at any time. The per-credit-hour tuition rate is for SBL master’s level courses only. Concentration courses taken from the other schools at Regent University are charged at that school’s tuition rate.

“Regent does a really good job of helping you realize that you are supposed to do something, and I’m appreciative for that exposure and experience.”
Kenneth Chandler, Doctor of Strategic Leadership, 2015
“At Regent, I learned skills like cultural building and succession building to create more impact and engagement with our employees.”
Myra Vandervelde, Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership, 2004; MA in Business Cognate/ Organizational Leadership, 2000 Global Ethics Learning Leader, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
“The focus on Christian values and principles adds depth to the whole area of organizational leadership … when you bring it into the context of the church, into the context of Christ working in us as leaders, then we are more able to take on the character of Christ in the leadership environment.”
Frederick Kawuma, Ph.D., 2016
“Always looking to maximize my experiences, applying for the EMP early on in my program was the best decision. My first mentor took time out of her incredible schedule and prepared meaningful times together with each meeting. I learned what was possible for my future, which was pivotal for me. My second mentor provided insight and guidance for my career. The mentors in the program are awesome. Life is busy and there is no perfect time, but the investment you make during the EMP will be well worth it.”
Linda Santiago-King, MBA, 2024 Mentee
“It was such a stretching experience to interact with people from the corporate world, small business and the military. My perspective on leadership practice is much richer and diverse.”
Harvey Herman, Ph.D., 2007 Strategic Leadership