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A person working on a computer: Explore Regent's computer science certificate online or in Virginia Beach.

Undergraduate Certificate in Computer Science

On Campus, Online
May 12, 2025

The Undergraduate Certificate in Computer Science is an academic certificate offering students the opportunity to earn a higher education credential that combines a love of technology with computer information systems. This certificate is ideal for individuals who may not otherwise consider a full degree program but wish to solve computational problems, improve processing efficiencies, and explore ethical and social challenges connected to tech and computer science careers.

  • Explore computer science concepts, including algorithms, elementary data structures, program design, and programming utilizing a block-structured programming language. 
  • Examine issues related to the ethical and moral responsibilities of those who work with computers or end-users. 
  • Learn the fundamentals of software engineering, coding methodologies and programming techniques.

This undergraduate certificate does not include professional licensure.

Regent University’s Undergraduate Certificate in Computer Science is for lifelong learners who want to re-skill, up-skill, and get ahead with new credentials. Whether you’re seeking professional development or continuing education, Regent’s 100% online certificate programs will give you the priceless advantage of high-quality education from America’s premier Christian university. To learn more about this program, please complete the Request Information form on this page.

Featured Courses
CSCI 201Introduction to Computer Science3
Terms and concepts in Computer Science. Topics include a review of algorithms, elementary data structures, program design, and programming utilizing a block structured programming language.
CSCI 233Ethics for Computer Science3
Issues relating to Computer Information Systems and the ethical and moral responsibilities of those who work with computers, professionals or end users. Provides foundation to make appropriate decisions when facing difficult situations.
CSCI 314Programming3
Programming with the C++ language; object-oriented programming; classes, objects, inheritance, morphism; pointers, memory management; software development. Prerequisite: CSCI 201.
CSCI 315Data Structures & Algorithms3
Studies the design of structures for representing and deploying information. Considers abstract structures and implementation techniques in specific programming languages. Prerequisite: CSCI 314.
CSCI 450Software Engineering3
Fundamentals of Software Engineering, including understanding system requirements, effective methods of design, coding, team software development, and the application of engineering tools. Engineering methodology considers specifications, design, development, testing, production and maintenance. Prerequisite: CSCI 315.

Apply to Regent University

Submit your application using the Regent University Online Application.

Note: If you are unable to complete our application due to a disability, please contact our Admissions Office at 757.352.4990 or and an admissions representative will provide reasonable accommodations to assist you in completing the application.

Full-Time Students

Undergraduate CertificateTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Advertising & Marketing$39512$4,740
Biblical Studies$39512$4,740
Christian Ministry$39512$4,740
Computer Science$39512$4,740
Criminal Justice$39512$4,740
Healthcare Studies$39512$4,740
Human Resources$39512$4,740
Information Systems$39512$4,740
International Relations$39512$4,740
Leadership Studies$39512$4,740

Part-Time Students

Undergraduate CertificateTuition Cost Per Credit HourAverage Credit Hours Per SemesterAverage Tuition Per Semester
Advertising & Marketing$4506$2,700
Biblical Studies$4506$2,700
Christian Ministry$4506$2,700
Computer Science$4506$2,700
Criminal Justice$4506$2,700
Cyber Practitioner Preparation$4509$4,050
Healthcare Studies$4506$2,700
Human Resources$4506$2,700
Information Systems$4506$2,700
International Relations$4506$2,700
Leadership Studies$4506$2,700

Student Fees Per Semester

University Services Fee (On-Campus Students)$850 (Fall & Spring)
$700 (Summer)
University Services Fee (Online Students)$700

Military Admissions & Aid » | Cost of Attendance »

*Rates are subject to change at any time.

Note: Eligible students may use their VA benefits to cover the cost of their undergraduate certificate. Learn more about benefits and discounts for military students.

“We are active-duty military, so finding an accredited, online university was important. With Regent, the transfer process was smooth, the curriculum is engaging, and I get to learn from professors who love God and teach with passion and expertise.”
Allie Bryant, B.S. in Marketing, 2021 Social Media Specialist
“Regent gave me the skills I needed and prepared me for the work I’m doing now.”
Stryker Watts, B.S. in Business - Marketing, 2013 Senior Manager, Deposit & Regional Marketing, First Republic Bank
“At Regent, we were encouraged to tie our studies into who we are as Christians and to incorporate that extra layer. We learned to do all things with excellence — and that should never be compromised.”
Debbie Holloway, B.A. in English, 2012 English
“If I hadn’t gone to Regent, I’m not sure I would be ready for all of this responsibility right now.”
Brittany Finch, B.A. in Religious Studies, 2008 Business Owner
“I visited Regent during my brother’s first semester as a graduate student, toured the gorgeous campus, and realized I was called to Regent too.”
Abbie Braswell, B.S. in Business, 2020 Former Resident Assistant, Regent University